A Guide to Driving in Recife

Don’t worry, I haven’t been driving. But I have been riding in several different vehicles and have observed some things. Here are a few things you should know if you plan to be inside a vehicle in Recife:

1. Roads – They’re bad. Huge holes, dips, bumps, etc. It doesn’t matter what type of vehicle your are in, it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Some roads aren’t labeled with the street name, and many don’t have lane markings.

2. Motorcycles – It appears that they use the roads as their own personal playground. They weave in and out of traffic regardless of whether it is at a standstill or moving at full speed…so watch out.

3. Merging/Changing Lanes – As previously stated, many roads don’t have lane markings so people just drive wherever they want to. However, if you want to change lanes, turn signals aren’t necessary. Just honk your horn at every car that passes you until you can finally squeeze in-between two vehicles. And you don’t even have to throw your hand up in gratitude to the guy who you managed to get in front of!

4. Roadblocks – It’s not uncommon for people to park on the side of the street on backroads…or even stop in the middle of the road to have a conversation with someone on the street. So what do you do? Just drive around them of course! What if a car/huge truck/bus is coming towards you? Don’t worry….just hit the gas and hope you can move faster than the oncoming traffic.

5. Rules of the Road – Are there any? Yes, of course. Do people always observe them? Of course not. However, one thing that everyone is careful to obey is the speed limit….when driving by electronic speed detectors. After all, nobody wants a speeding ticket.

So if you’re planning on driving/riding in Recife, buckle your seat belt, hold on to something and close your eyes if necessary.